Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Buerkle: Queen of Manipulation

Blueskygirl attended the Republican Community Forum last evening in Manlius. 

The claque of now-familiar Buerkle supporters sat together. They chattered and gossiped and hugged hellos in anticipation.

Outside before the event and maintaining a presence throughout the meeting were several hardy souls protesting Buerkle's Medicare sellout with signs and silence.

The queen herself missed the beginning of the meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, arriving 20 minutes late, unapologetic.

Lateness is a virtue for a manipulator as tension builds for the faithful. Buerkle is a commanding presence. She's here!

The meeting had been interesting right up to the point that Buerkle took over. Town, county and state elected officials reported on the conditions in their respective domains. Mostly these segments were informative, hopeful and honest. It would be a lie for Blueskygirl to say she is a new fan of Don Miller, yet he seemed believable, if shallow, on his take on his role in Albany.

Then, as soon as it became Ann Marie Buerkle's turn, the forum turned into a partisan circus. The tone changed; the important work of local, county, and even state office holders became insignificant.

And Buerkle didn't bother to thank the local officials for their long hours, successes and dedication.

Buerkle, saying nothing, said everything the claque wanted to hear. The now-familiar refrains and buzzwords set them cheering like eighth graders.

That Buerkle allows a public forum to break down, particularly as she continues to claim she wants to find common ground, is unseemly. For her dissenters, the atmosphere becomes intimidating and unpleasant. Blueskygirl knows it is a lie that Buerkle wants to find common ground.

Blueskygirl is fascinated by Buerkle's demeanor. 

She plays her roles to the hilt: wise woman and martyr.

She is the wise woman we sent to Washington, bringing her worldly experience to help our great nation out of its sad situation. 

She is a martyr for the cause of "national security" and "freedom", and "certainty" for small business owners. She holds herself out as a common person with a heart of gold, putting her all behind businesses and corporations so that wealth can trickle down to the masses. (We saw how well that worked during Reagan.) (Never mind that she has two houses and her personal wealth is in the millions.)

She wears a perennially sad expression that plays into her martyrdom. She pleads and begs people to understand that she FEELS. She is TRYING to help. Woe is she. The truth hurts and she is just a messenger with a bleak message. Don't blame her.

Buerkle is a topnotch manipulator. She lies, she distorts, she rouses the crowd around patriotism. Confronted with the presence of the top local AARP officer, right after she asserted that AARP supports her positions, she quickly asked all the veterans in the room to stand so we could applaud their sacrifice [it's the manipulation of emotions, not the real and deeply appreciated sacrifices of veterans, to which we would wish to draw attention here]. Blueskygirl watched in amazement as Buerkle's claque bought it. Boy, did they!

Blueskygirl is giving up going to these meetings. They leave her feeling she is witnessing some of the worst in people, and really, what is the point of self-immolation?

pantaloni in fiamme!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Buerkle: June 28, 2011, Community Forum in Manlius plus Questions

Ann Marie will join a group of local politicians at the Manlius Village Auditorium on Tuesday, June 28 from 7 to 9 PM.

Since this is a different format than Buerkle's Town Halls, it is not clear whether she will take questions.

If she does, here are some questions that Blueskygirl wants answers to:

  • What, exactly, have you done for the people of your district? Please give specific examples.
  • Are you pleased about the same-sex marriage victory in New York?
  • Why haven't you joined with the many members of the Congress, Republicans and Democrats, who are calling for an end to the war against Afghanistan?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

To Buerkle and Her Buddies:

A short editorial on religion and politics, religion and health, religion and what have you:

Mind your own business.

You will find, if you care to look, that who can get married, for instance, will not make a bit of difference to you or your life. If you don't like gayness, then skip it. Just like if you don't like Volkswagens, don't get one.

If you don't think that people of the same sex should get married, then change the channel, reject them if they are your relatives, close your heart to them. But don't get in the way of them living their lives, because it is none of your business.

No one is telling you what you can or cannot believe, pray for or teach yourself.

Just keep it to yourself.

It's really very simple.

Buerkle: If It's Not A Stunt, What Is It?

Ann Marie Buerkle to U.S. Senate: Just do your job, or don't get paid
Published: Friday, June 24, 2011, 4:14 PM, at
Washington -- Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, frustrated with the U.S. Senate's lack of progress toward a fiscal 2012 budget bill, introduced her own bill today that would cut off the money that keeps congressional leaders and their budget offices operating.

In what may amount to nothing more than a political stunt, Buerkle introduced the "Just Do Your Job Act of 2011" in the House. is taking some flak from the Buerkloids for suggesting that Ann Marie Buerkle's bill is just grandstanding.

So, if it's not a stunt, then what is it? Definitions of "stunt" include variants on the following: 
something done to attract attention or publicity, 
anything spectacular or unusual done to gain publicity

Blueskygirl doesn't see a problem.

Equality At Last ... 33 to 29!

Statements On Passage and Signing of NY Bill to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage:
Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York
"New York has finally torn down the barrier that has prevented same-sex couples from exercising the freedom to marry and from receiving the fundamental protections that so many couples and families take for granted."
Kirsten Gillibrand, US Senator

"New York has always led the way for equal rights - from leading the suffrage movement, to Abraham Lincoln's remarkable speech opposing slavery speech at Cooper Union - and we have done it again. I want to thank Governor Cuomo for his extraordinary leadership and unwavering commitment to marriage equality which brought home this great victory. I also want to thank the committed advocates who worked day in and day out, and all of the New York State lawmakers - Democrats and Republicans - who came together to uphold the fundamental American values of equality and justice for all.

"New York State has sent a powerful message to the rest of the nation. The right to get married and start a family is a basic, human right that must be shared by all Americans. Every loving, committed couple in America deserves this right. And no politician should stand in the way of this fact.

"Marriage under the law is the foundation for strong families. I will continue to help lead the fight in Washington to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act so that all loving and committed marriages in New York are recognized by the federal government."
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York 

"Today's passage in the New York State Senate of legislation recognizing the right of couples to marry regardless of their gender is a historic triumph for equality and freedom. New York has always been a leader in movements to extend freedom and equality to people who had been denied full membership in the American family. By welcoming all people - no matter where they are from, what faith or philosophy they follow, or whom they love - New York became the strongest, most dynamic city in the world. And today, we are even stronger than we were yesterday.

"In recent weeks, I have had many conversations with our State Senators. I emphasized that not only is marriage equality consistent with bedrock American principles, but it is also consistent with bedrock Republican Party principles of liberty and freedom - and the Republicans who stood up today for those principles will long be remembered for their courage, foresight, and wisdom. In fact, 10 or 20 or 30 years from now, I believe they will look back at this vote as one of their finest, proudest moments.

"I want to thank the Senators for graciously taking the time to talk with me over the past few weeks, and for approaching this issue so thoughtfully and honestly. Based on my conversations with senators, I was fully convinced that if we could get a bill to the floor for a vote, we would have marriage equality in New York State. So I want to thank Majority Leader Skelos for allowing democracy to work - and allowing the will of the people to be done. And I especially want to thank Senators McDonald, Alesi, Saland and Grisanti for having the courage of their convictions and bringing this historic change to New York.

"The passage of this bill is the culmination of a decades-long struggle for equality by gay and lesbian New Yorkers. Although there are too many people to acknowledge and thank, I want to express special appreciation to Governor Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Silver for their leadership, and to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who has been a tireless and passionate advocate for gay and lesbian rights for many years. Together, we have taken the next big step on our national journey toward a more perfect union."

The Two Republican Senators Who Changed Their Minds:
Steve Saland, NY Senator

The bill's fate was sealed when one of the key undecided votes, Sen. Steve Saland, R-Poughkeepsie, began the debate by declaring first his struggle and then his decision to support the measure. Saland, known for being a serious and meticulous lawmaker, evoked memories of his parents' tolerance lessons and his long marriage while explaining his vote. He acknowledged his vote would disappoint some of his constituents. but Saland said he believed in equality, "and that equality includes the definition of marriage."

Mark J. Grisanti, NY Senator

Buffalo state Sen. Mark J. Grisanti, a Repubican who had been undecided, voted yes. "I cannot legally come up with an argument against same-sex marriage," said Grisanti, a lawyer, Catholic and former Democrat.

Buerkle's Community Forum on June 28, 2011, in Manlius

Manlius Community Forum

Start:          June 28, 2011 7:00 pm
End:           June 28, 2011 9:00 pm
Location:    Village of Manlius Auditorium - One Arkie Albanese Ave, Manlius, NY 13104

Manlius Community Forum with elected officials on Tuesday, June 28 at 7 pm in the Village of Manlius Auditorium.  This event is open to the general public and will feature the following representatives in the order listed below:
Town Supervisor Ed Theobald with Town of Manlius Board members
County Legislator Kevin Holmquist with fellow County Legislators representing Manlius
NY State Assemblyman Don Miller
US Congresswoman Anne (sic) Marie Buerkle
Buerkle still needs that proofreader. Her name, (directly above,)  is misspelled on her own Congressional website, from which this announcement was taken.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Buerkle and the Frederick Douglass Foundation

The Frederick Douglass Foundation, like Susan B. Anthony List, sports a co-opted name. 

Blueskygirl suspects that Frederick Douglass would not like to see his name blasphemed. He would not have honored Ann Marie Buerkle, R NY. He would have strongly disagreed with her on her beliefs and record.

Douglass devoted his life to working against oppression, slavery, women's second class status, lack of a good education for all, and falseness.

Back in December 2010, the Frederick Douglass Foundation congratulated Buerkle for her win [from the blog The 21st Century Abolitionist]:

Anne Marie Buerkle (R-NY) Un-Seats Incumbent Dan Maffei in Congressional win for the 25th District
By: Ayesha Kruetz
Chaplain Ayesha Kruetz and Anne (sic) Marie Buerkle.

NEW YORK- The Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York is proud of Congressman-elect Ann Marie Buerkle.  She will be the first Congressional member of the Frederick Douglass Foundation.

Republican candidate, Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25), fought an uphill battle against incumbent Democrat congressman Dan Maffei and solidified the win despite running in a heavily Democrat district.  Greatly underfunded compared to her opponent, Buerkle ran an amazing campaign, holding firm to Jesus Christ, free-market principles and respect for the life of the unborn. 

Ann Marie Buerkle, a pro-life woman and staunch conservative, didn't take any voter for granted.  She has proven again that when pro-life and pro-family principles are articulated properly by candidates that the people make the right choice.  By being involved, attentive and responsive, Congressman-elect Ann Marie Buerkle proved she is the right kind of person to get the change the country really needs- not the socialist snake oil the President is constantly peddling.  She is the kind of Republican we are proud to help get elected.

On behalf of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, we congratulate Ann Marie Buerkle for her tremendous victory and look forward to working with her in the future.

In March, according to TeamWatch NY, the Frederick Douglass Foundation gave Buerkle an award:

March 21, 2011 at 6:42 pm 
Congresswoman Buerkle was honored to recieve (sic) the Harriet Tubman Trailblazer Award from the Frederick Douglass Foundation.  She is the first member of the foundation to be elected to the House of Representatives.
Harriet Tubman was an abolishonist and humanitarian who lived in the Congresswoman’s home town of Auburn, New York. 

... at the 3rd Annual Frederick Douglass Foundation Leadership Summit Washington Marriott at Metro Center Hotel, Washington, DC, March 17-19, 2011.

Little known fact for non-Rochesterites: a major bridge in downtown Rochester is named the Frederick Douglas-Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge.

Buerkle: Not Paying Attention

Buerkle: Keeping Them Barefoot and Pregnant

By her lonely vote against government supports for broadband in rural areas, affecting small businesses and farmers, Ann Marie essentially votes to keep rural areas in the last century and uncompetitive.

Thanks to the Watertown Daily Times for this coverage.
Owens supports broadband program
HOUSE VOTE: $6m in spending measure will help grants, loans
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2011
WASHINGTON — Rep. William L. Owens on Thursday helped salvage $6 million for a program that could help expand high-speed Internet service in parts of Northern New York.
The House approved a measure that Mr. Owens, D-Plattsburgh, co-sponsored with Rep. Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, to save the U.S. Department of Agriculture's rural broadband grant and loan program from elimination in the House Republicans' annual spending bill for agriculture programs.
The $6 million the lawmakers secured pales when compared with the $22.3 million the program received this year, but it ensures that at least some communities still will be able to compete for funds. The bill covers the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
Critics said the great majority of the country has broadband access, and they attacked the program for failing to focus on the most isolated rural areas, echoing a federal report that cited the program's shortcomings. In some cases, outlying areas of major cities have received funding through the rural program.
"This program is not necessary. And in a time when we're talking about saving money, we do not need to increase this account," said Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture.
Mr. Kingston said New York is 99.8 percent covered by broadband access, with similar rates in other states. And he said lawmakers have received complaints over the years about the department's unresponsiveness to program applicants. In some cases, he said, "they get approved but they can't get their money."
The vote on the broadband measure was 221-198. New York's upstate delegation mostly supported the broadband funding, with the exception of Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, R-Syracuse, who voted against it. ....
To see the complete article go here.

Buerkle would apparently vote against her own grandmother if it meant keeping the Tea Party conservatives off her back.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Buerkle: A Glimpse at the $$$$$$$ Network

Rob Bluey is The Scribe blogger who posted an announcement earlier today about Buerkle speaking to the Conservative Women's Network at the Heritage Foundation in DC [see Blueskygirl's previous post].

His announcement also showed up at the SaddleBrooke Republican Club.

The SaddleBrooke Republican Club meets monthly in the Mountain View Ballroom at the Mountain View Country Club in Saddlebrooke Arizona, north of Tucson.

Mountain View Country Club's golf course has the only green grass anywhere within miles. They bring water to the top of a mountain.

The Pima County Young Republicans also meet at Mountain View Ballroom. You can reserve your elephant costume via their website.

Herman Cain, illustrious R from FL, was honored guest of the Pima County Young Republicans in April.

All this proves nothing except there is very little that Buerkle's populism has to do with the people who are really pulling the strings. If the people in, say, rural Wayne County, who work hard for their money, could see the lifestyles of these other people, they might think twice before electing someone whose party cares so little for their well-being.

Buerkle: Insider

Rob Bluey at Conservative blog The Scribe announces Buerkle's engagement today at the Conservative Women's Network monthly luncheon in DC. 

Is she becoming an insider?

Oh yeah, we know she is a fighter, a real key player on the less-tax/deficit-reduction/limit-government/don't-question-the-wars team. 

Today at Heritage we’ll host freshman Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) for the monthly Conservative Women’s Network lecture. Buerkle, who represents a district not far from where I grew up, surprised the political establishment with her victory in November. Since coming to Washington, she’s fought for lower taxes, less spending and limited government. The Conservative Women’s Network, hosted by Heritage and the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute is made up of more than 1,000 women in the Washington, D.C. area.

Buerkle: Work Your Magic

Wait, wait!  Blueskygirl thought Buerkle doesn't want government interference in business. Won't the "magic of the marketplace" solve this safety problem?Thanks to WRVO Public Radio in Oswego for this news piece:
Federal Lawmakers Push for Tougher Regulations for Tour Buses

 (WRVO) - Due to several motorcoach accidents during the past year -- including one fatal accident in Syracuse -- Congress is considering beefing up safety regulations on intercity bus companies.

As WRVO's Washington correspondent Ryan Morden reports, Syracuse-area Republican Ann Marie Buerkle is open to the idea of new regulations, while Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer is demanding it.

Buerkle: No Scientist

Not too long ago at a town hall meeting, Buerkle blithely told us bumpkins that we needn't worry about the US energy supply. There are always nuclear power and natural gas.

Buerkle's has never taken environmental issues seriously. She isn't curious about why people might be protective of the Skaneateles watershed against horizontal hydrofracking. She doesn't seem to associate the disaster, still unfolding today in Japan, with developing more nuclear power here, much less what to do with the existing plants, all tattered and degrading.

There are a couple of easy ways to figure out whether your current "expert" knows what they are talking about when it comes to nuclear power. One is, do they pronounce it "nuculear"? Another is do they address the problems associated with storing and guarding waste from nuclear power plants for 250,000 years? That is the length of the half-life of plutonium.

Washington can't even deal with a snow storm.

Below is an excerpt from a recent excellent and honest analysis of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima and what that means for the future of nuclear power. The entire article in Common Dreams is here.

Published on Thursday, June 16, 2011 by
The Big Fukushima Lie Flies High
The global nuclear industry and its allies in government are making a desperate effort to cover up the consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. “The big lie flies high,” comments Kevin Kamps of the organization Beyond Nuclear.
Not only is this nuclear establishment seeking to make it look like the Fukushima catastrophe has not happened ­going so far as to claim that there will be “no health effects” as a result of it­ but it is moving forward on a “nuclear renaissance,” its scheme to build more nuclear plants.

Indeed, next week in Washington, a two-day “Special Summit on New Nuclear Energy” will be held involving major manufacturers of nuclear power plants including General Electric, the manufacturer of the Fukushima plants­and U.S. government officials.
Although since Fukushima, Germany, Switzerland and Italy and other nations have turned away from nuclear power for a commitment instead to safe, clean, renewable energy such as solar and wind, the Obama administration is continuing its insistence on nuclear power.
Will the nuclear establishment be able to get away with telling what, indeed, would be one of the most outrageous Big Lies of all time­ that no one will die as a result of Fukushima?
Will it be able to continue its new nuclear push despite the catastrophe?
Nearly 100 days after the Fukushima disaster began, with radiation still streaming from the plants, with its owners, TEPCO, now admitting that meltdowns did occur at its plants, that releases have been twice as much as it announced earlier, with deadly radioactivity from Fukushima spreading worldwide, and with some countries now changing course and saying no to nuclear power, while others stick with it, a nuclear crossroads has arrived.
No health effects are expected among the Japanese people as a result of the events at Fukushima,” the Nuclear Energy Institute, the nuclear industry trade group, flatly declared in a statement issued at a press conference in Washington last week.
"They’re lying,” says Dr. Janette Sherman, a toxicologist and contributing editor of the book Chernobyl: The Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” published by the New York Academy of Sciences in 2009. Using medical data from between 1986 and 2004, its authors, a team of European scientists, determines that 985,000 people died worldwide from the radioactivity discharged from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
Blueskygirl heartily recommends the longer article at Common Dreams. 

Also, if you have never listened to Australian doctor and nuclear activist Helen Caldicott, find her on YouTube. Blueskygirl first heard her speak at Seabrook in New Hampshire before that notorious nuke was built. 

Buerkle: Partisan

When Buerkle indignantly claims President Obama is pursuing partisan politics with Wall Street, as in "the meeting smacks of partisan activity that shouldn’t be around", Blueskygirl would have to laugh if it weren't so pathetic; 
[article in Politico here]. 

"Partisan politics" usually carries a negative connotation, " referring to those who wholly support their party's policies and are perhaps even reluctant to acknowledge correctness on the part of their political opponents in almost any situation", according to Wikipedia.

Exactly when hasn't Buerkle practiced partisan politics?

But honesty and consistency of practice has never been something to slow her down.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: Keep An Eye Out For This Guy... the Community Forum, in Manlius, June 28 (more details to follow when they become available).  Thanks to...
...for this gem:

Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY 25th)

1st-term Republican from New York.

Letters To Leaders

All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is: Defense/Military 


President Barack Obama
Sen. Charles Schumer
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle

June 10, 2011

To Al Concerned: I believe we should bring out troops home, put them on our borders and don't let anyone in; deport the terrorists that already live here.....they hate Americans and shouldn't be here.

Jobs: There is an easy way to create at least half million jobs by making a nations bottle bill, this could create jobs such as vice presidents of operations, secretaries, accountants, manager of plants, plant workers, truck drivers and many other positions

Taxes: Stop taxing the very people who employ us....we have already lost so many jobs due to high tax rates.....everyone thinks the millionaires should pay more....but most of these millionaires are our employers....doesn;t make sense to tax them and lose more jobs!

manlius , NY

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cost of War in 25th Congressional District Since 2001

Ann Marie Buerkle could, right this minute, become a leader!

She could become an anti-wars activist.

The cost to the 25th Congressional District of the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 is over $3.8 billion, with no end in sight. I don't think we even have a bank that can handle that kind of money.

Blueskygirl cannot, for the life of her, understand why anyone would still think (if they ever did, which she didn't) that these wars make any sense at all. We have become masters at making enemies. We have lost our ability to make friends.

The nation that we love is no more. The love and respect that we once enjoyed has been squandered in our madness.

Ann Marie Buerkle: care to step up to the plate?

Ann Marie Buerkle: She's Disgusted ... Call a Waaaambulance

Waaaa...Ann Marie is disgusted. (See bottom of blog for coverage of Ann Marie's disgust.) Join the club. Blueskygirl has been disgusted since November.

Buerkle cries foul and claims the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee puts politics above people. 

Hmmmm...Blueskygirl sits sipping her coffee this morning and wondering how that argument squares with Buerkle's having done not one damn thing to create jobs? Her denial of global warming and all its implications? Her blithe answers to questions about energy policy? Her incessant push to destroy Planned Parenthood? Her wicked support by silence for wars that have cost this country 1.2 Trillion (that's not a typo) dollars and the lives of thousands of soldiers, not to mention the costs to whole civilian populations of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Yeah, Ann Marie, you sure show us every day how you put people above politics. Boy, is Blueskygirl chastened!
So, what, exactly, about the robo calls isn't true, Ann Marie? Because you do support tax breaks for millionaires and corporations.

You do continue to support a Medicare voucher system that will quickly become unaffordable for many seniors. 

You do keep pushing the idea that Medicare won't change for people over 55. That is, Blueskygirl admits, consistent with your narrow view of your job when it comes to serving the people in your district. Let younger people deal with the massive problems you and your miserable excuse for parties, Republican and Tea, are fighting to create. 

Blueskygirl gets the distinct feeling that what really disgusts Buerkle is having to face real music. Her constituents are upset, and they should be upset. Buerkle is a foot soldier for politicians who intend to continue to gut programs that help people with reduced and limited resources while pandering to corporations and the wealthy. 

Buerkle is at her best not having to actually listen to real people with real concerns. She's got all the answers, supplied to her by daily Republican and Teaparty briefings on how to handle the folks back home.

That's why Paul Singer and company, (see Blueskygirl's blogs here,)  love people like dilettante politician Buerkle.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman explains how the Republicans and the Teaparty plan to destroy Medicare: 

Between an aging population and rising health costs, then, preserving anything like the programs for seniors we now have will require a significant increase in spending on these programs as a percentage of G.D.P. And unless we offset that rise with drastic cuts in defense spending — which Republicans, needless to say, oppose — this means a substantial rise in overall spending, which we can afford only if taxes rise.

So when people like Mr. Boehner reject out of hand any increase in taxes, they are, in effect, declaring that they won’t preserve programs benefiting older Americans in anything like their current form. It’s just a matter of arithmetic.

Which brings me back to those Republican freshmen. Last year, older voters, who split their vote almost evenly between the parties in 2008, swung overwhelmingly to the G.O.P., as Republicans posed successfully as defenders of Medicare. Now Democrats are pointing out that the G.O.P., far from defending Medicare, is actually trying to dismantle the program. So you can see why those Republican freshmen are nervous.

But the Democrats aren’t engaging in scare tactics, they’re simply telling the truth. Policy details aside, the G.O.P.’s rigid anti-tax position also makes it, necessarily, the enemy of the senior-oriented programs that account for much of federal spending. And that’s something voters ought to know. 

Krugman's complete and excellent article is here.

Here is the "disgusted" article from Human Events, 6/14/11, by John Gizzi

'Disgusted' Rep. Buerkle Fires Back at DCCC 'Mediscare' Calls

“Disgusted” is how a freshman Republican House member told HUMAN EVENTS she felt after a day of her office answering telephone calls generated by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that led to tearful constituents asking whether the GOP lawmaker wanted to “end Medicare.” 

“Some of my constituents were in tears and probably can’t sleep tonight because robocalls from the DCCC told them that the [House Republican] budget will get rid of their Medicare,” an outraged Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R.-N.Y.) told us.  “Those kind of tactics are mean-spirited and they lack integrity.

“I’m disgusted at the DCCC because, clearly, they put politics above people.”

A clearly angry Buerkle contacted HUMAN EVENTS last Thursday evening, after her district office was deluged with what she said were “at least one hundred telephone calls from constituents generated by robocalls from the DCCC claiming that I was supporting a ‘plan to end Medicare’ that increases the debt because of ‘more tax breaks for millionaires and corporations.’ ”

“Finally, after our staff left in the early evening, I began answering some of the calls myself,” recalled Buerkle, one of three former nurses elected to the House in the Republican sweep last fall and a strong supporter of the Medicare reform plan in the GOP budget.  “Some of my constituents were in tears, and asked me why Republicans wanted to get rid of their Medicare.  I explained—to several callers, in fact—that the Republican plan does not ‘get rid of Medicare,’ that it doesn’t even affect anyone over 54, and preserves health care for the next generation of senior citizens.”

The Syracuse-area lawmaker also told HUMAN EVENTS that the technology in the robocalls “apparently permitted the person receiving them to just press a number and be connected to my office.  And they were urged to protest what the Democrats claimed was the Republican position on Medicare.  This is something we’re going to have to face and deal with.” 

Buerkle wasn’t the only House member getting “Mediscare” calls.  Her office told me that she was one of 13 House Republicans on a DCCC “target list” for robocalls that refer to them as backers of a “plan to end Medicare.”  (
Politico later published the list of “Targeted Members,” which includes 12 freshman Republicans and six-term Rep. Steve King of Iowa.  All are considered vulnerable to a Democratic assault next year.)

Last month, Democrat Kathy Hochul won a nationally watched special election for the House seat in a Buffalo, N.Y., area district that had been in Republican hands for four decades.  Because her campaign was based in part on charges that her opponent wanted to “end Medicare,” it was widely expected that Democrats would expand this kind of broadside nationwide and especially at GOP lawmakers in marginal districts.

However, by upsetting senior citizens to the point of tears in some cases, Buerkle charges, Democrats “have gone too far—and I’m disgusted.” 


“Arizona Rep. Ben Quayle, Florida Rep. Dan Webster, Iowa Rep. Steve King, Illinois Rep. Bobby Schilling, New Hampshire Rep. Charlie Bass, Nevada Rep. Joe Heck, New Jersey Rep. Jon Runyan, New York Representatives Nan Hayworth and Ann Marie Buerkle, Ohio Rep. Steve Chabot, Pennsylvania Rep. Lou Barletta, South Dakota Rep. Kristi Noem and Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell.” (Alex Burns and James Hohmann, “Medicare Wars,”
Politico Morning Score, 06/09/11)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: Transparently Hypocritical

Well, Buerkle promised transparency. She didn't promise hypocracy but she is scoring well there too, and transparently so.

Responding to a Government Services Office study, she has co-sponsored a bill charging the VA with monitoring and preventing sexual assaults at VA residential facilities. The Veterans Sexual Assault Transparency Act was introduced by AMB and U. S. Rep. Jeff Miller, R of Florida, chair of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs.  She chairs the veterans' health issues subcommittee.

The complete Government Services Office study is here.

Blueskygirl understands from reading the report that veterans housed in VA mental health residential facilities are committing sexual assaults, presumably against other veterans and staff. The numbers thus far are not high though systems that are unresponsive to reporting, as the VA has been, tend to discourage accurate reporting.

Blueskygirl applauds any effort to halt sexual assaults wherever they happen.

So, what baffles Blueskygirl is that Buerkle is adding a mandate to VA procedures which will grow the bureaucracy and cost some bucks.

Is she beginning to understand why earmarks and pet projects are important?  Will she ever admit it?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: Why Do You Want To Punish The Planet?

"Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle to EPA Administrator: Why Do You Want to Punish Job Creators?"

Hi! Blueskygirl is back!

This headline appeared on Lonely Conservative's website recently. What is up with Buerkle and her comrades? Are they capable of thinking only in black and white?
  • Can you imagine what the country would look like if only the war hawks were ever in power?
  • Or what the country would look like if the Department of Education ceased to exist?
  • Can you imagine what it would be like if the American's With Disabilities Act were never passed?
  • Or if there were no amendments to the Consititution?
But let's get back to the Environmental Protection Agency, whose job it is to protect the land we love. Since the EPA always runs into opposition, 100% of the time, and there are always compromises, Blueskygirl knows that things are not perfect. People still die every year from lousy water, bad air, toxic chemical spills, pesticides in the food chain and so forth. But it could be so much worse. It is a process of compromise in a world of compromise, yes?

Without the EPA, here is a sampler of local impacts:
  • fish-free Adirondack lakes
  • a never-remediated Onondaga Lake 
  • unbridled horizontal hydrofracking from Onondaga Hill to Elmira
  • bigger cancer wards (health industry jobs?)
  • strontium-90 (in greater levels) in the milk supply
  • wealthier energy executives
  • the potential for Bhopals here and not just in the "third world"
The ""magic of the marketplace" sounds wonderful. In a world of greed and avarice, that magic is a cruel tool.

You get the picture, I am sure. You got it years ago unless you think only in terms of black and white. Or unless you are a politician trying to scare people.

So, finally, my point: Why does AMB couch her criticism of EPA in terms of lost jobs? 

It is a dishonest ploy and it is worn thin.