Friday, February 18, 2011

Light Bulbs?!?

Goodness, if you Teabaggers could get half as worked up about the deadly, pointless and budget-busting war in Afghanistan as you are about light bulbs, I would gladly join you in reducing the size of government.

In case you don't remember, the one thing that toppled the Soviet Union more than anything else was the amount of money wasted on military build-up and fighting pointless wars.

Please try to get your priorities straight. We haven't much time!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle is Pro-Choice

From Syracuse Post-Standard, February 8, 2011:

Washington, D.C. -- When it comes to light bulbs, U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle says Americans should be free to choose.

“If we’re talking about creating jobs and getting our economy back on track, that’s a big piece,” Buerkle said. “Beyond that, I guess the question is whether you want the government telling you what kind of light bulb you can use.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: How About Re-instituting 12-Hour Workdays and Legalizing Child Labor?

Ann Marie's troop leader Darrell Issa and the rest of the Tea Baggers are looking to roll us back to pre-labor-rights days.                   
Some of the items they want to look at, all under the heading, The Government is Too Damn Big, showed up yesterday in the Washington Post and the Syracuse Post-Standard:

Reconsidering rules

Businesses have asked House Republicans to roll back or pre-empt more than 150 rules governing industries from Wall Street to those who make cleaning products for your bathroom, according to documents obtained by the Washington Post. The newspaper said Monday that the targeted regulations include:

Financial disclosures: Financial regulations that require companies to disclose how much the chief executive is paid compared to how much the typical worker is paid.

Worker rights: Rules that require mining companies to disclose information about mine safety and health information and labor regulations that require employers to post notices informing workers of their rights under federal labor law.

Limits on hours: Transportation regulations that limit the number of hours airline pilots can be on duty between rest periods.

Emissions: Environmental and energy regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards for cars, trucks and commercial vehicles; and limits on hazardous air pollution from trash incinerators.

Damn it! I want my pilots rested, and I want our miners to know their rights! If Ann Marie is so hot on choice for business, why isn't she hot on choice for women?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: How Low Can You Go?

Ann Marie Buerkle: "Yes, Mr. Boehner, Sir; Thank you, Mr. Boehner, Sir"

Among the many signers of the recent House of Representatives bill, House Resolution 3, that, among other things, restricts abortions except in the case of "forcible rape," is 25th Congressional District Representative Ann Marie Buerkle.

How does AMB sleep at night?

Does she ever stop to wonder at the redundancy of "forcible rape"? Isn't "rape" clear language? Do some women, does Ann Marie Buerkle reason, agree to rape? Volunteer for rape? Invite rape?

From House Resolution 3:
"Prohibits the inclusion of abortion in any health care service furnished by a federal or District of Columbia health care facility or by any physician or other individual employed by the federal government or the District. Provides that such prohibitions shall not apply to an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of forcible rape or, if the pregnant woman is a minor, incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician."

Ann Marie is a woman. She has daughters. She worked with women during her years of service to Right to Life and other anti-choice organizations. She volunteered to work with women in crisis at Vera House. 

Her sponsorship of H. Res. 3 can only be characterized as cynicism* in the extreme.                                             

So, and we feared this, and some of us knew it all too well: As Ann Marie Buerkle moves into her term in Congress she has left her conscience behind. She is now serving not her constituents but her bosses. 

*cynical: showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, especially by actions that exploit the scruples of others.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hypocritical: Ann Marie Buerkle's Gold Plated Health Insurance Coverage

At her first public meeting (since winning office by a miniscule margin) last night in Wayne county, Ann Marie Buerkle expressed confusion about why people asked her about her current health insurance. The questions obviously were asked in the context of Ann Marie's support for repeal of the 2010 health insurance reform program.
She stated that she paid for her own health insurance.
She was corrected on this fact by one of her own staff members via a note.

from, February 3, 2011:
Buerkle, who voted to repeal the health care reform act, was twice asked about the health insurance she receives as a government employee. At first she said she couldn’t understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didn’t pay anything for it. She later corrected herself after being handed a note from a staffer. Like most employees, she pays for a portion of her insurance and her employer, the government, pays the rest, she said.

Was she really unaware of her own health insurance coverage and that her employeers (you and I) pay 72% of her premium?
Is she really so dense as to not anticipate questions about her hypocrisy? on health insurance for Federal Employees:

Summary of Federal and HR Health Insurance Coverage (PDF document):

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle: If You Want to Cut Government Spending, Work to End War

We live in a perpetual state of war.
The amount of money the US spends on wars past and present is obscene. 
I challenge Ann Marie Buerkle to step up and demand an end to war before she supports another dollar cut from education. 

U.S. Military Spending vs. The World
U.S. military spending – Dept. of Defense plus nuclear weapons (in $billions) – is equal to the military spending of the next 15 countries combined.

These numbers show military expenditures for each country. Some say that U.S. military spending will naturally be higher because it has the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country. The United States accounts for 47 percent of the world’s total military spending, however the U.S.’s share of the world's GDP is about 21 percent. Also note that of the top 15 countries shown, at least 12 are considered allies of the U.S. The U.S. outspends Iran and North Korea by a ratio of 72 to one.
Source: War Resisters League (thank you for all you do to bring sanity to our world)