From the website/blog Irregular Times:
Ann Marie Buerkle Supports Big Government Spending
posted 25th November 2010 by jclifford, Irregular Times
How can the following two statements be reconciled?
1) "Less government spending, and limited government interference are the building blocks for economic growth."
2) "Our armed forces must be ready to act anywhere in the world."
Make policy decisions like Ann Marie Buerkle, the new U.S. Representative for New York's 25th congressional district, does. Rather than thinking through the logical consequences of the policies she supports, Buerkle follows popular slogans that have proven to be electorally effective for Republican candidates. So, Buerkle can say that she's for smaller government at the same time that she proposes expanding the jurisdiction of the U.S. federal government to cover the entire globe. Buerkle can say that she's for reducing spending at the same time that she's suggesting massive increases in the Pentagon budget. How does Ann Marie Buerkle do it? She simply doesn't go through the trouble of thinking before she speaks.
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