Oh, my gosh!
Seniors worry I might vote to cut their benefits, thinks Buerkle.
Her office is swamped by calls. And her response is to use deception and fear, because there is no way in hell that no new revenue can mean maintaining social programs, let alone safety net programs.
Unless...these senseless, murderous, endless wars wind down, and fast. But she's never, ever, even glanced in that direction.
Thanks to the Syracuse Post-Standard:
Central New York representatives pledge their support for Social Security, Medicare
Friday, July 29, 2011, 4:04 AM
Syracuse, NY -- Democrat or Republican alike, Central New York representatives say they won’t vote for any debt ceiling plan that cuts Social Security or Medicare. Bill Owens adds two more sacred cows: Medicaid and Fort Drum. And Ann Marie Buerkle said she won’t go for any new taxes.
As the House considered a Republican plan for a temporary lifting of the debt ceiling just days before a possible U.S. default, Syracuse-area representatives tried Thursday to explain what they could live with in a deal.
“The right tack is to stop spending money — don’t raise taxes on the American people,” Buerkle said. “The right thing to do for this country is to cap our spending. We must do this because (otherwise) we won’t have a country left. This is the right thing to do for our kids and grandkids.” [emphasis added]
Buerkle, R-Onondaga Hill, said she does not favor cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and the bill proposed by House Speaker John Boehner preserves those programs. "This bill does not cut any entitlement spending,” she said. Buerkle said her office has been swamped by calls from senior citizens worried they will lose benefits. ...
Tools in Buerkle's limited toolbox:
Deception Don't raise taxes "..on the American people...". That is a strange twist! The fact is, raising taxes will spare us a much, much harsher outcome. And the further truth is Buerkle is dedicated to saving wealthy Americans and corporate entities from stepping up to the plate and paying their fair shares. No one is talking about raising taxes for the rank and file.
Fear "...we won't have a country left." Fact is the Tea Party know-nothings are guaranteeing that very outcome with their stupid, thoughtless, knee-jerk, reactionary (oh, never mind...).
Wish there was a way to recall her. Thanks for the updates.