Penfield Town Hall Meeting
Start: August 31, 2011 6:00 pm
End: August 31, 2011 7:00 pm
Location: Penfield Town Hall - 3100 Atlantic Avenue, Penfield, New York 14526
Town of Clay Town Hall Meeting
Start: September 1, 2011 6:00 pm
End: September 1, 2011 7:00 pm
Location: Clay Town Hall - 4407 Route 31, Clay, New York 13041
Questions for Congresswoman Buerkle:
When will you stop making citizens at your town hall meetings write out their questions ahead of time and having your staff screen them? Are you afraid of direct questions? Are you afraid of controversy?
Where do you stand on the validity of creationism? Intelligent design?
Why didn't you criticize John Boehner, or he you, after the final Debt Ceiling vote?
If you were to be voting tomorrow for a Republican to run against President Obama, who would he/she be?
What, specifically, have you done to create jobs? Have you introduced a single bill that would create jobs?
What are you doing to reduce the disparity between the wealthiest 1% of our nation and the children, 20% of all children in the United States, who live in poverty?
Why are you using Tea Party support but not joining Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus in the House?
Why do you not maintain civility at your town hall meetings, instead letting your ardent supporters boo and jeer at questions coming from people who don't support you and are trying to ask legitimate questions that deserve thoughtful answers?
Why did you accept lobby money to pay for your recent trip to Israel?
What is you view on recent/current US involvement in Libya, and why? Do you know that there is a CIA presence on the ground in Libya? How long does the US military intend to remain in Libya?
Where do you stand on the validity of creationism? Intelligent design?
Why didn't you criticize John Boehner, or he you, after the final Debt Ceiling vote?
If you were to be voting tomorrow for a Republican to run against President Obama, who would he/she be?
What, specifically, have you done to create jobs? Have you introduced a single bill that would create jobs?
What are you doing to reduce the disparity between the wealthiest 1% of our nation and the children, 20% of all children in the United States, who live in poverty?
Why are you using Tea Party support but not joining Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus in the House?
Why do you not maintain civility at your town hall meetings, instead letting your ardent supporters boo and jeer at questions coming from people who don't support you and are trying to ask legitimate questions that deserve thoughtful answers?
Why did you accept lobby money to pay for your recent trip to Israel?
What is you view on recent/current US involvement in Libya, and why? Do you know that there is a CIA presence on the ground in Libya? How long does the US military intend to remain in Libya?
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