Tuesday, August 30, 2011

That's Our Gal: Declaration of Purpose and Policy

When Blueskygirl began That's Our Gal right after the 2010 election, she wanted to track this candidate who barely  ekked out a win over her incumbent opponent.

At the time, Buerkle declared that she recognized her margin of victory was very small and that she would work hard to represent all her constituents, be a good listener, and seek to "find common ground".

Having watched her over the years, her detracters were skeptical. 

Blueskygirl thinks any far right Republican or tea partier would agree that we were correct to be skeptical. They understand very well that compromise has never been Buerkle's strong suit and, furthermore, they certainly wouldn't allow her to move away from her tea party, right-to-life and conservative positions.

Blueskygirl comes to this blog with a point of view and a purpose. Recent commenters seem surprised at this. Of course she has a point of view. Why would she simply re-report the news? She analyzes the news from a vantage point apart and is informed by her own experience of the world.

You, dear reader, may choose to agree or not. If you do not, tell Blueskygirl why. Or just don't come here if the blog displeases you unbearably.

Of course Blueskygirl maintains the right to delete any comments that are disrespectful or do not add to the dialogue.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good News Dept.: Boot the Fringe

Blueskygirl has been wondering when the Republican party would wake from its deep sleep and reclaim the party from the tea-stained fringe. It is happening in New Hampshire!

Thanks to correspondent Jon Ward and Huffington Post for this article published August 25, 2011, [emphasis added by Blueskygirl]:

New Hampshire Senator, Congressmen Support Removing State GOP Chairman Jack Kimball

WASHINGTON -- The lone Republican senator from New Hampshire and the state's two Republican members of Congress on Thursday put their names behind a vote on the removal of the state party's chairman, even as the Tea Party-affiliated leader continued to defend himself. ...

The letter to Kimball bore 22 names from the 36-member state executive committee in support of a vote on his remova.... Only 19 votes are needed to oust Kimball as state party chairman.

In a separate statement, the five elected leaders called the controversy around Kimball's tenure as chairman a "serious distraction" and said he should resign.

“We respect Jack Kimball, and appreciate all the personal time and effort he has made on behalf of the New Hampshire Republican Party. But to ensure that all of the party's energy and resources are solely focused on electing Republicans, we believe it is time to move beyond this serious distraction," the statement said. “Therefore, we call upon Jack to put the best interests of New Hampshire Republicans first and step aside as chairman of the party." ...

But, [member of Republican committee Bill] Foley said, "the Chairman continues to refuse to reach out except to a very narrow group of what I consider to be radical fringe element of the Party who have overestimated their value and importance in the last election...."

Town Hall Meetings in Penfield and Clay, and Questions for AMB

Penfield Town Hall Meeting
Start: August 31, 2011 6:00 pm
End: August 31, 2011 7:00 pm
Location: Penfield Town Hall - 3100 Atlantic Avenue, Penfield, New York 14526
Town of Clay Town Hall Meeting
Start: September 1, 2011 6:00 pm
End: September 1, 2011 7:00 pm
Location: Clay Town Hall - 4407 Route 31, Clay, New York 13041
Questions for Congresswoman Buerkle:
When will you stop making citizens at your town hall meetings write out their questions ahead of time and having your staff screen them? Are you afraid of direct questions? Are you afraid of controversy?                                                                                                                                     

Where do you stand on the validity of creationism? Intelligent design?

Why didn't you criticize John Boehner, or he you, after the final Debt Ceiling vote?

If you were to be voting tomorrow for a Republican to run against President Obama, who would he/she be?

What, specifically, have you done to create jobs? Have you introduced a single bill that would create jobs? 

What are you doing to reduce the disparity between the wealthiest 1% of our nation and the children, 20% of all children in the United States, who live in poverty?

Why are you using Tea Party support but not joining Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus in the House?

Why do you not maintain civility at your town hall meetings, instead letting your ardent supporters boo and jeer at questions coming from people who don't support you and are trying to ask legitimate questions that deserve thoughtful answers?

Why did you accept lobby money to pay for your recent trip to Israel?

What is you view on recent/current US involvement in Libya, and why? Do you know that there is a CIA presence on the ground in Libya? How long does the US military intend to remain in Libya?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete

MON AUG 15, 2011 AT 06:50 AM PDT

Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete

by Tom Tomorrow

Everlasting thanks to Tom Tomorrow and the comics section of Daily Kos.

ClaqueWatch NY: Newest Feature On That's Our gal

ClaqueWatch NY is a new feature here at That's Our Gal for monitoring local teabagger advocacy. 

When you attend Ann Marie Buerkle's in-person "town hall meetings" you find that they are exercises in futility for everyone except Annie's claque of raucous schoolchildren. These folks are simple to spot. They sit up front at the in-person meetings, they plant softball questions, and they are predictably loud and obnoxious when anyone asks a followup question after Annie tries to duck the first one.

The lamentable aspect of this element of Annie's support is that they can be depended upon to intimidate and shout down the opposition, protection which she eats up. Her meetings are conducted in a way that eliminates any real serious discussion of really serious issues concerned citizens have come to discuss.

Blueskygirl wants to thank TeamWatch NY and TeamWatch 25 for their very public contributions to the fun. This includes everyone from downstate claquers who love Carl "Porn King" Paladino to Syracuse locals who think Doug Hoffman and Ayn Rand are the nutz.

This ought to be fun.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Buerkle Making Visit to Israel Paid For By Lobbying Group

(...scratch that town hall meeting...)

Analysis-free news of Ann Marie Buerkle's questionably ethical trip to Israel via syracuse.com:

U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle to take congressional trip to Israel
by Mark Weiner, Post Standard, Thursday, August 18, 2011, syracuse.com

Washington -- U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle plans to travel to Israel on Saturday, where she will spend a week meeting Israeli and Palestinian leaders and touring the region with other members of Congress.

Buerkle, R-Onondaga Hill, will be making her first foreign trip as a member of Congress, but taxpayers will not have to pick up the bill.

All of the expenses for travel and lodging will be paid by the American Israel Education Foundation, said Liza Lowery, a spokeswoman for Buerkle. The nonprofit group is affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, a powerful lobbying group in Washington.
“Israel is a vital ally and strategic partner of the United States.” Buerkle said in a statement today. “As a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, I am looking forward to having a comprehensive dialogue with senior officials about how America can continue to play a constructive role in helping address the challenges of the region.”

Analysis syracuse.com should have offered:

from Desertpeace [desertpeace.wordpress.com]
by Saed Bannoura, August 14, 2011 

One fifth of Congress on tour of Israel as America's economy falters
81 US lawmakers in Israel on ‘tour’ sponsored by Zionist lobbying group                                                                                                                
One-fifth of the US Congress is currently in Israel on a free trip sponsored by the American Israel Educational Foundation, an affiliate of the largest Zionist lobby in the US: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. 
Although accepting free trips from lobbyists is illegal for Congress members under US anti-graft and corruption laws, the trips to Israel have been granted a special exception by the Congress.
The Congress members, led by Representative Steny Hoyer, will receive briefings from Israeli government officials, tour historic religious sites and receive a guided tour around Israel by Israeli tour guides intent on promoting Israeli policies in the region.
Critics of the trips argue that in addition to the issue of graft, the tours are extremely one-sided and may even provide the Congressmembers with factually false information and history, thereby misinforming their perception of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
There is no part of the tour that allows the Congressmembers to travel to the Palestinian side of the Israeli-constructed Wall independently to meet with refugees and others living under Israeli military occupation since 1967. They will, however, meet with the US-supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose term of office ran out two years ago, but who has thus far refused to hold new elections.
Medea Benjamin, of Code Pink for Peace, one of the groups organizing against the Congressional trips to Israel, wrote, “Going on an AIPAC-sponsored trip to Israel is the moral equivalent of using an Anglo-Boer travel company to visit apartheid-era South Africa.” [emphasis added by Blueskygirl]
She says the tour is extremely biased and one-sided, despite the claim that the Congressmembers will visit leaders ‘across the political spectrum’. Benjamin adds, “They won’t spend time with grieving Palestinians whose homes have been demolished to make way for more Jewish-only housing. They won’t spend a few hours at a checkpoint to witness how Palestinians are detained, abused and humiliated, or how this ‘thriving democracy’ forbids Palestinians from driving on Jewish-only roads. They won’t go to Gaza, where 1.5 million people are suffering under an unbearable siege, unable to travel freely, conduct business transactions across borders or even rebuild their homes destroyed by the Israeli invasion. “
Many Americans have argued that the $3 billion in direct aid and $3 billion in indirect aid provided to Israel each year by the US Congress would be better spent reviving the declining US economy.

In-depth analysis of Israel trips by former US Senator, from 2007 and still appropriate for 2011 trips:
The hidden cost of free congressional trips to Israel
Christian Science Monitor, by Jim Abourezk, January 26, 2007
Democrats in Congress have moved quickly – and commendably – to strengthen ethics rules. But truly groundbreaking reform was prevented, in part, because of the efforts of the pro-Israel lobby to preserve one of its most critical functions: taking members of Congress on free "educational" trips to Israel.

The pro-Israel lobby does most of its work without publicity. But every member of Congress and every would-be candidate for Congress comes to quickly understand a basic lesson. Money needed to run for office can come with great ease from supporters of Israel, provided that the candidate makes certain promises, in writing, to vote favorably on issues considered important to Israel. What drives much of congressional support for Israel is fear – fear that the pro-Israel lobby will either withhold campaign contributions or give money to one's opponent. In my own experience as a US senator in the 1970s, I saw how the lobby tries to humiliate or embarrass members who do not toe the line.

Pro-Israel groups worked vigorously to ensure that the new reforms would allow them to keep hosting members of Congress on trips to Israel. According to the Jewish Daily Forward newspaper, congressional filings show Israel as the top foreign destination for privately sponsored trips. Nearly 10 percent of overseas congressional trips taken between 2000 and 2005 were to Israel. Most are paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation, a sister organization of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the major pro-Israel lobby group.

New rules require all trips to be pre-approved by the House Ethics Committee, but Rep. Barney Frank (D) of Massachusetts says this setup will guarantee that tours of Israel continue. Ron Kampeas of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported consensus among Jewish groups that "the new legislation would be an inconvenience, but wouldn't seriously hamper the trips to Israel that are considered a critical component of congressional support for Israel."

These trips are defended as "educational." In reality, as I know from my many colleagues in the House and Senate who participated in them, they offer Israeli propagandists an opportunity to expose members of Congress to only their side of the story. The Israeli narrative of how the nation was created, and Israeli justifications for its brutal policies omit important truths about the Israeli takeover and occupation of the Palestinian territories. What the pro-Israel lobby reaps for its investment in these tours is congressional support for Israeli desires. For years, Israel has relied on billions of dollars in US taxpayer money. Shutting off this government funding would seriously impair Israel's harsh occupation.

One wonders what policies Congress might support toward Israel and the Palestinians absent the distorting influence of these Israel trips – or if more members toured Palestinian lands. America sent troops to Europe to prevent the killing of civilians in the former Yugoslavia. But when it comes to flagrant human rights violations committed by Israel, the US sends more money and shields Israel from criticism.

Congress regularly passes resolutions lauding Israel, even when its actions are deplorable, providing it political cover. Meanwhile, polls suggest most Americans want the Bush administration to steer a middle course in working for peace between Israelis and the Palestinians.

Consider, too, how the Israel lobby twists US foreign policy into a dangerous double standard regarding nuclear issues. The US rattles its sabers at Iran for its nuclear energy ambitions – and alleged pursuit of nuclear arms – while remaining silent about Israel's nuclear-weapons arsenal.

Members of Congress may not be aware just how damaging their automatic support for Israel is to America's interest. At a minimum, US policies toward Israel have cost it valuable allies in the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world.

If Congress is serious about ethics reform, it should not protect the Israel lobby from the consequences. A totally taxpayer-funded travel budget for members to take foreign fact-finding trips, with authorization to be made by committee heads, would be an important first step toward a foreign policy that genuinely serves America.
Jim Abourezk is a former Democratic senator from South Dakota.
Another brief analysis:
LegiStorm Blog
Record number of House members to visit Israel this August
posted by LegiStorm, Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nearly 20 percent of all members of the House of Representatives will travel to Israel this month courtesy of the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), according to the Washington Post.
AIEF is the non-profit arm of the pro-Israel lobby group American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. Although House ethics rules forbid most congressional travel paid for by lobbyists, AIPAC gets around the ban by having AIEF pay for the trips, as LegiStorm highlighted after AIEF sent a large congressional contingent to Israel in 2009.
The group has been sponsoring such trips for large groups of members in non-election years for about two decades, the Post said. This year's group of 81 House members seems to be the largest-ever contingent. There are two separate groups traveling to Israel, as the Democratic and Republican members tour the country separately. A group of 26 Democrats is currenly in Israel, and 55 Republicans will follow later this month. About 47 of the Republican members are freshman, the Post said.

Buerkle Town Hall Meeting in Penfield Week of August 22-26

Update: Any meeting week of 8/22-26 is scratched, as AMB is on a lobby-provided jaunt to Israel. Check her congressional website....
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported late yesterday that Annie will hold a town hall meeting in Penfield next week. 

The article doesn't say where or when.

There is still no info at Buerkle's Congressional web site (as of Thursday late afternoon).

One hopes that very soon we can check her web site or call her office for more information.

We also hope she will have at least one other meeting here in her district before she leaves for Washington.

The telephone "town halls" are so highly orchestrated as to be useless for people who seek real answers to tough questions.

Softball T Ball is the name of the game.

Monday, August 15, 2011

They're All Anti-Death Penalty Too, Right?

Political Heavyweights Join Americans United for Life for its 40th Anniversary Gala 
by Americans United for Life, Monday, August 15th, 2011
Honorary Co-Chairs Texas Governor Rick Perry, U. S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions lead a stellar list of Honorary Hosts for an historic event.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (08-15-11) – National leaders and political luminaries will join together in November [Nov. 2, 2011] to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Americans United for Life - the nation's premier pro-life legal team and the country's first national pro-life organization - incorporated in 1971 before the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. The high profile event is already marked by an impressive list of pro-life leaders serving as honorary hosts of the much-anticipated evening. 

"Honorary Hosts" include our own Gal, Ann Marie Buerkle, as always doubling down on freedom. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Buerkle Tells It Like It Isn't

You, who would risk our financial five star rating in these troubled economic times, have not fooled us. Ann Marie Buerkle, you are shameless to rationalize your actions of last week. "Compromise" would be what you had done if you had voted for the final bill (with only hours to spare).

We have known for months the debt ceiling needed to be raised. Congress had ample time to come together, negotiate and avert a crisis. Yet the process failed as a consequence of the Senate’s unwillingness to lead or respond to measures taken by the House. For more than 820 days, the Senate has failed to fulfill its legal obligations to put forth a sensible budget in deference to the people it serves. [Buerkle, syracuse.com letters, 8/7/11]

The only thing that needed to be voted on, as it has been many times before, was the debt ceiling. Don't blame this debacle on the Senate. That is dishonest in the extreme.  You and your Republican and tea comrades would only consider bills that included reducing the debt with deliberate take-no-prisoners tenacity.

The frustration of the American people is palpable. I hear from my constituents that they want the partisan bickering to stop and for Congress and the administration to act responsibly. They want officials to demonstrate true leadership that will address our nation’s problems without creating more problems. [Buerkle, same source ]

True, and they are talking about you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cost of Wars to NY25


Total Cost of Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Since 2001

$3.626 BILLION (as of this hour),
an average of over $329 MILLION a year,
or $909,113 a day,
or $37,630 an hour
in NY25
also, $503.75 from every person in NY25 per year
in taxes, or indebtedness (primarily to China)

President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, from his speech on the Military-Industrial Complex at the close of his Presidency in 1961:

Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. Because this need is so sharp and apparent I confess that I lay down my official responsibilities in this field with a definite sense of disappointment. As one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness of war -- as one who knows that another war could utterly destroy this civilization which has been so slowly and painfully built over thousands of years -- I wish I could say tonight that a lasting peace is in sight.

Happily, I can say that war has been avoided. Steady progress toward our ultimate goal has been made. But, so much remains to be done. As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the world advance along that road.

To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America's prayerful and continuing aspiration:

We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.

Friday, August 5, 2011

August Questions for Buerkle

August Questions for Buerkle
  • Without added revenue, how do you propose to pay for our nation's commitments to wars in four countries on two continents?  
  • Why are you instilling fear in middle class tax payers by not acknowledging that the only revenue increases on the table are aimed at the wealthiest Americans and corporations?
  • Without cutting your own district's discretionary spending, how do you intend to convince your colleagues to cut theirs?
  • What will you think about proposed horizontal hydrofracking behind your Skaneateles Lake camp, just over the hill in the Owasco watershed?
  • Why did you vote against the final debt ceiling bill when, only a few days before, you were confident something would pass prior to the Tuesday deadline and you were for it?  
  • Was your no vote because you fear alienating the last of the people who ever believed in you?
  • Have you cashed Sarah Palin's June 29 check to your campaign yet?
  • Why haven't you joined Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus?
  • Who are your national and international economic advisors?
  • When is your next in-person Town Hall meeting?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Education=Religious Sandwich on Technical Bread

This is the intellectual biography of a magical-thinking teapartier who is, right this minute, willing to weaken our country for her own ideology.

Ann Marie Buerkle's education was a religious sandwich on technical bread.

Catholic schooling in Auburn, nursing school at a Catholic hospital, a Jesuit college degree, law school...this is not an education strong in building critical thinking skills. 

Was the young mother Buerkle an involved, curious student at LeMoyne? More likely Buerkle was the student who made everything she learned fit into her own, already solidly forming, ideology.

Shortly after graduating LeMoyne she entered the uber-ideological world of Randall Terry and right-to-life-at-any-cost.

For allies she has always turned to those who give her certainty. Deaf to facts, she does not question. She is always right, and she will fit any situation to her narrow interpretation. There is no room in Buerkle's sphere for doubt, nuance, debate, individual autonomy.

And now she runs with a pack of know-nothings who would bring the United States to its knees and vote death to our strong democracy and to our precious values of individual freedom and opportunity.