Saturday, January 7, 2012

Claquewatch NY: Claquers and Their Hobbies, Part 2

Claquewatch:  Bob Murfitt aka MrBobbis just posted a cheap, blurry and boring video on YouTube of Mitt Romney stumping for Ann Marie Buerkle in September 2010. 

What makes the notion of posting this worthless piece interesting is that Romney is reliably at the whim of the moment. He changes his positions to fit the constituency he seeks. Did Romney believe in Buerkle? Did he know anything about her? Doesn't matter. 

And does this mean that VideoClaquer Bob Murfitt is going with Mitt, the presumptive winner of the Republican primaries and maybe the convention? Many people like to feel they voted with a winner regardless of his or her record. Blueskygirl would have supposed that Ron Paul would be more up Murfitt's alley, or maybe Michele Bachmann.

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