Buerkle says she cares about education but she advocates getting government out of education and removing federal mandates.
Where does that leave children who live in poorer districts or states, or districts or states that consistently try to teach religion instead of science?
What about states that decide education beyond 8th grade is a waste of time, or that educating girls is a waste of time?
On November 28, 2010, Buerkle said the following to Syracuse.com:
Syracuse.com: You’ve talked about shrinking the size of government regarding the Education Department. Should it be abolished?
AMB: "It sounds so radical, but if you think about it, if you think about how we’re paying all these school taxes, how much goes to the federal government, and then it comes back to the districts with all these strings attached. It’s almost laundered down there. I went by the Department of Education and I looked at this massive building. How do they know what’s best for Syracuse, New York? How do they know what’s best for Fowler High School? They don’t. It’s the local government and the state government that should have more power and more authority, and certainly be the one that handles the money. Communities and the state know what’s best for schools."
One of the great things about living in a country that has a united vision of a decent education for all children is that local or state interpretation, if it falls short, can be overridden by the federal government. Remember Brown v Board of Education of Topeka?AMB: "It sounds so radical, but if you think about it, if you think about how we’re paying all these school taxes, how much goes to the federal government, and then it comes back to the districts with all these strings attached. It’s almost laundered down there. I went by the Department of Education and I looked at this massive building. How do they know what’s best for Syracuse, New York? How do they know what’s best for Fowler High School? They don’t. It’s the local government and the state government that should have more power and more authority, and certainly be the one that handles the money. Communities and the state know what’s best for schools."
Lies, promised in a singularly honest moment so many years ago to Blue Sky Girl's friend J, roll off AMB's tongue like rain out of the sky.
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