Tuesday, November 6, 2012



VOTE for everything that is worth loving.

VOTE for peace. VOTE for the environment. VOTE for the disenfranchised. VOTE for human rights and justice.

Sometimes VOTING seems like the only power we have.

It may not be the only power, but not VOTING makes you powerless. You cannot complain if you do not VOTE.

Wisdom from Shirley Chisholm:
"The one thing you’ve got going: your one vote."

Wisdom from Frank Zappa:
"pretty soon there won't be no street
for dummies to jog on
or doggies to dog on
religious fanatics can make it be all gone
I mean it won't blow up and disappear
it will just look ugly for a thousand years"

-Dumb All Over

Just VOTE!

1 comment:

  1. wonderful sentiment! I'm back from voting. I've voted since I was 19 years old. My responsibility, my right, my priviledge.
