Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Big Win for Kathy Hochul and Medicare in the 26th Special Election

NY's 26th Congressional District election is all but over and Conservative Jane Corwin conceded to Democrat Kathy Hochul this evening when it became clear that Corwin had lost by a wide margin, at least as wide as the polls were indicating earlier this week.

Blueskygirl dares to say Hochul might have won even without third candidate Jack Davis, who ticked off the tea partiers by running on their ticket without permission. From whom might that have come in a party that eschews formal structure?

Thinking that the race was going to be close, Corwin this morning got a NY Supreme Court order to bar certification of a winner and to impound ballots and equipment pending a recount. That news of the court order didn't get around until later in the afternoon and might have worked against Corwin if it were released in a more timely manner.

What makes this an especially important win for Hochul and Democrats is that Karl Rove and his American Crossroads gave Corwin $350,000 in the past few weeks for TV ads and promised her another $300,000 if need be, according to this article from

Thankfully there won't be a recount, so there won't be a chance for Rove to manipulate the outcome.

Need Blueskygirl add that American Crossroads and Karl Rove gave Ann Marie Buerkle a shot in the arm recently?

Blueskygirl is honestly puzzled about people such as the tea partiers who will vote against their own self interest again and again. Does anger blind them to the treachery of the Republicans? One would think that they would find better allies among Democrats. Why, oh why, would they trust all that money?

They remind Blueskygirl of Gianelli's dancing piggy, dressed up in a tutu and sweetly selling Gianelli's sausage on billboards all around CNY ahead of the State Fair.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Medicare and the GOP, Talking Points Memo took a moment to single out AMB for what I pointed out she was doing at the Pompey townhall meeting:

    " 'The plan before Congress will not privatize Medicare or turn it into a "voucher" system,' she claims."

    TPM describes this as "arguing that phasing out traditional Medicare and replacing it with a program of subsidized private insurance is not privatization."

    The article includes a link to her recently disseminated flyers.
