Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Working Families Party Supports Kathy Hochul's Close House Race in NY District 26 and Update

The race for the NY 26th Congressional District seat in the House of Representatives, twelve days away, is close and the Democratic candidate has a chance of winning.

Kathy Hochul is the Democratic candidate. She is the county clerk for Erie County and is well liked. She has a serious chance of winning the race against conservative Jane Corwin and Democrat-turned-Tea Partier Jack Davis. Davis is splitting the Republican vote, giving Hochul a real chance.

From the Working Families Party website earlier this week:
"... [T]he other [Republican] side also knows it's close. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner flew in from Washington and just moments ago we learned that Karl Rove has directed $650,000 into the district for the Republican [candidate]." 

Just as Ann Marie Buerkle got an infusion of BIG money in the final days of the election in November, the 26th Congressional District is attracting national right-wing attention now.

Here's a summary of the race from the New York Times on May 9:

Take a look. Give a bit of money via the Working Families Party if you can. It could be an important victory for Democrats.

To donate to this race on the side of Kathy Hochul, go to the Working Families Party page set up for that purpose:

Working Families', always supporters of progressive candidates, main page is here:

The US House R. clowns from NY, including Buerkle, aren't lifting a finger to help Corwin.
Thanks to Roll Call Politics                                                                                                                        By Steve Peoples

              Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, whose 25th district is adjacent to Corwin's, does not appear to have done anything to help Corwin at this point.  
          "There's been some conversation and she's seeing what her schedule will allow," Buerkle spokeswoman Liza Lowery said Friday, noting that Buerkle, like most of the delegation, will be in New York this week during recess. "She would like to do something, but as you can imagine, there's a lot already scheduled for the Congressional district work week."

Just too busy (sigh).

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