On August 10 AMB held four one-hour town hall meetings in Cicero, Cato, Lyons and Irondequoit, respectively, to roll out this campaign.
It is worth reading. Blue Sky Girl will be interested to find out whether AMB sticks to her promise to accept no influence from special interest groups. Will she hold at least one town hall meeting every month? Will she do her homework and come to understand that "ObamaCare" will ultimately help to relieve our country's debt and decide to support it?
Since August a few pro-Buerkle writers have referenced Compact25. She has not returned to it.
Here is Compact25, as published in August 2010:
The Kind of Leader Upstate New York Needs
Upstate New York is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Those of us who have spent our lives invested in this community realize that the 25th District of New York is facing the same difficulties as the rest of the country. Few Upstate New Yorkers believe that our country is moving in the right direction.
Upstate residents worry about their children leaving the District to find work. They worry about losing their businesses, their farms, and their healthcare. Upstate New York needs new and better leadership.
The Kind of Leader I Will Be
There are certain things you should expect from your elected officials. If you support me with your vote, here is what you can expect from me:
I will be accountable
I recognize that as your Representative I will answer to you. I understand that your support is not a blank check for me to go my own way without considering your wishes. While you and I may not completely agree on everything, I will welcome discussion and will approach every vote carefully. I will post on my website an explanation and justification of every major vote I cast.
I will be accessible
I believe that all of the residents of the 25th District of NY are entitled to interact with their Representative in public forums. I will host at least one public town hall-style meeting every month. I will spend time in the district when Congress is in recess meeting one-on-one with my constituents to discuss issues of concern to them. My staff will understand and share my commitment to the people of upstate New York.
I will be responsible
I will approach any piece of legislation responsibly. This will include completely reading the bill and considering whether the legislation is Constitutional. I will consider how the bill might affect my constituents in the long-term as well as the short-term.
I will be independent
I will be the voice of the people and not the voice of a party, a President, or a special interest group. The only special interest group I’ll be listening to is the people of the 25th District of New York.
The Kind of Leadership America Needs
As our country faces some of the most challenging times in its history, its elected leaders must advocate for real, substantial reform that is effective without compromising the freedom of the American people. Areas that call for special attention and reform include:
Government Overreach
- Defund and Repeal Obamacare
- Review all of the federal agencies for efficiency and effectiveness and cut their budgets accordingly
National Defense
- Ensure that the Department of Defense is adequately and appropriately funded
- Adjust the timetable for withdrawal in Afghanistan
- Fully fund and support our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Treat our allies like allies and our enemies like enemies
- Develop a strong and effective policy for holding Iran and North Korea accountable
- Secure our borders
- Make Health Insurance Portable
- Implement Significant Tort Reform
- Allow health insurance to be purchased across state lines
- Enhance Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
- Encourage Small Business Health Plans
Jobs & Economy
- Make the 2001-2003 Tax Cuts Permanent
- Eliminate the Death Tax
- Reduce or Eliminate Capital Gains Tax
- Simplify the tax code
- Reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses
- Relax the requirements for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for businesses to include all recent veterans
- Launch media awareness campaign to inform veterans of job and education opportunities
- Increase funding for counseling of veterans and their families to reduce veterans’ suicides
- Insist that veteran’s preference is enforced in the filling of civil service jobs
- Allow parents a tax-credit if they choose to send their children to private schools
- Give businesses a dollar-for-dollar tax-credit for donations made to scholarship organizations
Upstate New York is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Those of us who have spent our lives invested in this community realize that the 25th District of New York is facing the same difficulties as the rest of the country. Few Upstate New Yorkers believe that our country is moving in the right direction.
As you may know, Compact25 is an agreement with the voters of the 25th District of New York. I have listened to voters concerns about the lack of jobs, the national debt, the overreach of the federal government, the need for true Healthcare Reform, and our National Security.
As the race continues, it’s even more important to me that people have a say in Washington and I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens by being accountable, accessible, responsible, and independent. Please join me in restoring Upstate New York’s voice. Join me in signing Compact25.
Check out a photo from the Compact25 Irondequoit town hall. Be sure to join Ann Marie in signing Compact25 today!

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