Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Health Care Lawyer AMB's First Official Act: Work To Repeal New Health Care Law

The tin soldiers are lining up behind their drill sargeants. Right out of the gate the Republicans swear that they intend to repeal the 2010 health care reform law. Ann Marie Buerkle said today that this vote is her first priority.

Never mind that much of the law doesn't take effect until 2014 and that many of the best, strongest parts weren't passed at all. Thankfully the Senate and the President aren't going to go along with this cruel measure.

All we wanted in 2010 was the promise that every United States citizen would one day be covered by health care insurance.

Without universal coverage, many people will continue to be forced to use emergency rooms for their medical care. Many more will not have access to regular screenings, so that by the time they are diagnosed they are much sicker than people with access to simple preventive care and early detection.

Hard to reconcile is AMB's history of working for a NY State hospital. Before that she was a nurse in hospital and school settings. She has looked upon suffering for much of her career yet shows no sign of compassion.

Much of her attorney job at Upstate for the NY Attorney General consisted of trying to recover charges and penalties from uninsured people. When that approach doesn't work, hospital attorneys take the next step, turning the accounts over for collection and forcing people into bankruptcy so the hospital/state can collect cents on the dollar.

Heartless and cruel...our current system treats health care as optional. Those who have, get. Those who don't, suffer. Nowhere is the issue of class more clearly illustrated than by healthcare in the United States. And AMB is a hand maiden to this flawed system.

I challenge Ann Marie to rise above her classless Republican leaders and assert her conscience on behalf of those who suffer without the guarantee of sufficient healthcare (including dental care).


  1. And Buerkle was once a nurse? The Dark Side of being an attorney was more powerful.

  2. Can you tell me about AMB and the Frederick Douglass Foundation? Leave a message for gwojtowy at DailyKos.
