That Was Then:
Thursday, July 6, 1989
FYI, those of you for whom Buerkle is a relatively new phenom, it was on this same day, July 6, 1989, that she and her cohorts demonstrated their respect for life, and their compassion for women and health care providers, by bringing to Planned Parenthood an illegally procured, blackened foetus in a jar. During this time she was the local spokesperson for Operation Rescue and associated with extremist Randall Terry; a decade earlier she had started the local chapter of Friends for Life. |
Then, this in March 2010:
Buerkle minimizes her anti-abortion history. [ printed the following summary on January 23, 2011:
When she launched her run for Congress in [March of] 2010, Buerkle said abortion was not the issue that would define her, nor would it be a priority of her campaign....
“I want to be really careful not to make this a referendum on abortion,” Buerkle said as she began her campaign in March 2010. “People here are concerned about jobs and the economy. I have six kids, and five of them live outside of the state because of a lack of opportunities.”
At the time, Buerkle said her days as an anti-abortion activist were from a different part of her life, when she was a young mother and working as a nurse. “Life is an evolution,” she said in March. “You never stay in the same place."]
But then, this on July 17:
Susan B. Anthony List endorses Buerkle
This Is Now:
January 19 delivers a "passionate" speech in Congress advocating restricting and criminalizing abortion (organized by the Pro-Life Caucus)
January 20 co-sponsors "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act", H.R. 3, which extends its reach to insurance providers and another bill that would ban abortion coverage in future Federal health care provisions
January 22 walks with and addresses a March for Life gathering in Syracuse
January 24 addresses March for Life in Washington DC
February 18 votes for Pense Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood and to all stop most federal funds for women's reproductive health
February 28 Buerkle is a subject of Susan B. Anthony List's expensive ad campaign, thanking her for her vote to defund Planned Parenthood
March 2 she distances herself from the Susan B. Anthony List ad campaign, citing rules about consorting with special interest groups [Ann Marie, Really?]
March 9 she is publicly thanked for her vote to defund Planned Parenthood by Lila Rose, head of Live Action, who shows up in her big bus at the Federal Building in Syracuse [Rose is the "pro-life" advocate who deceptively and dishonestly uses altered and spliced tapes to damage Planned Parenthood] Susan B. Anthony List helped produce this tragic piece of theatre.
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