Monday, March 21, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle Would Rather Limit Freedom...

Ann Marie Buerkle signed up on the first day, March 8, to co-sponsor anti-gay legislation to require the President to support the Defense of Marriage Act, along with 96 other House Representatives, all Republicans, many Teabaggers, all phobic and/or afraid to vote their consciences.

Various surveys indicate that something like one tenth of these folks have at least one family member and several friends or acquaintances who is gay or something else this side of totally straight, and as many as five per cent of them are gay themselves. So much intolerance, fear and loathing, self-denial ... whatever ... sad, really... and totally out of touch with what is real today in their own country. 
Ask almost any young person today whether gayness is an important issue, political or otherwise.

And anyway, don't you people have more important things to do? What about all the jobs you promised last Fall? What about three (yep count 'em) wars that we cannot afford? What about some continued concern about the suffering in Japan?
I thank AMERICAblogGAY/A Great Nation Deserves the Truth for this article: 

Meet the 97 biggest homophobes in the US House
Posted by Joe Sudbay (DC) at 3/16/2011 10:17:00 AM 

This morning, there are press conferences on the House and Senate sides of the Capitol to mark the introduction of DOMA [Defense of Marriage Act] repeal legislation. 

And, the haters are working on DOMA, too. The way, way too gay-obsessed freshman Congresswoman from Missouri, Vicky Hartzler, introduced a resolution demanding that the President defend DOMA. She's got all the real whackos on her side, of course, from Steve King to Michele Bachmann. As of this morning there are 94 co-sponsors. [with 2 more added to the list after the article was published.]  This list pretty much comprises the biggest homophobes in the U.S. House of Representatives. As of now, they're all Republicans. The list is also an indication that the newly elected teabaggers are not just focused on fiscal issues. A number of the cosponsors are freshmen (for example, Sean Duffy (WI), Kristi Noem (SD), Tim Scott (GA) and many more.) So, yeah, the teabaggers are hard-core right-wingers on social issues, too. We'll update the list when and if more cosponsors are added.

Now, these legislators don't care (or don't know) that the times are changing on same-sex marriage -- or that "the wedge has lost its edge." They hate the gays and nothing will stop them. It's pure bigotry. For some of them, rhetorical and legislative gay-bashing is a passion, even an obsession. Below is the list of cosponsors (The date next to their name indicates when the member signed on to the resolution). I'd bet a number of them have gay staffers and some probably have gay relatives. They all have LGBT constituents. But, homophobia rules.

Complete list of co-sponsors is found at:

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