Ms. Buerkle, you promised us honesty and transparency during your campaign. You promised that you would try to find common ground. The election results indicate that you won by only a very small margin, so it is safe to assume that there are a great many people who would like to know you share their concerns about where this country is headed.
Now that you have gotten your feet wet in Washington, would you be so kind as to answer some questions for us?
- You talked repeatedly about job creation and job recovery during your campaign. Since the election you do not talk about jobs. Why?
- What are your plans, and your party's plans, for job recovery?
- Since you personally benefitted during your campaign from NPR public radio and PBS television, how can you now vote to defund public broadcasting?
- Do you personally listen to or watch public broadcasting?
- What are you doing to keep several hundred jobs in NYS which are part of the 1200 jobs in the Northeast that National Grid is eliminating? Or do you support eliminating those jobs? Do you know why they are being eliminated?
- Do you subscribe to the idea that President Obama is not an American-born citizen? Do you need to see his birth certificate before you believe he was born on US soil?
- What do you think about what is happening in Wisconsin?
- Knowing what you do, from your multi-faceted career and volunteer experience,
- about the needs of people and families without health insurance;
- about people who need to be represented by an attorney and lack the funds to afford one;
- about women (and men) who have experienced domestic abuse;
- about the importance of family planning and reproductive health,
then how do you justify cutting funds to or eliminating programs that help the neediest among us?
- What is your position on nuclear power?
- How do you respond to the idea of the threat that the nuclear power plants near Oswego and Rochester pose either by terrorists or by natural disaster? We think about how relatively easy it might be for a terrorist group, domestic or foreign, to crash a plane into a plant or for employees and contractors to infiltrate a plant over time. Do you think continuing generation of electricity using nuclear power is sustainable given the enormous costs in treasure, safety and security?
- Why did you accept a large collective contribution from Paul Singer and several of his employees at Elliott Associates and Elliott Management, both powerful hedge funds? Do you know that Paul Singer is a modern-day robber baron who crushes whole countries for profit?
- Do you understand the importance of the separation of church and state in a democracy? Would you be willing to describe and discuss its importance so that we are all clear about this judicial and Constitutional concept?
Dead on! Catch my post on Kos about Buerkle! I post under a different name there:!