Friday, April 1, 2011

Ann Marie Buerkle Announcing Today She Is Switching Parties

In a move that has surprised people on both sides of the aisle, Ann Marie Buerkle, House of Representatives 25th Cong. district in upstate NY, is announcing today that she is abandoning both the Republican and Tea Parties and becoming an Independent. She cites a change of heart and irreconcilable differences as the major reasons for her switch.

She will be the third Congressional Independent in Washington, joining Bernie Sanders VT and Joseph Liebermann CT, both in the Senate, and the lone Independent in the House.

In a letter to House Chair John Boehner yesterday, Buerkle said she will step across the aisle immediately after her public announcement later today. She stated flatly she no longer can be a part of supporting the wealthy corporations in the United States while watching her own district, particularly the schools and other infrastructure, crumble. These circumstances, she wrote, have caused her to rethink how she wants to represent her district. She said that she has had several opportunities in past weeks to talk with constituents personally and that she can no longer support parties that are not willing to face the realities of working and poor people.

There was no immediate response from Boehner or his staff.  Boehner has been extremely busy this week trying to please everyone, so that is not surprising.

As a duly elected member of Congress Buerkle will retain her position and her current offices in the 25th Congressional district. She reports privately that she will also open a small constituent office in the near west side in Syracuse as well as one in the village of Clyde in Wayne county and another in an as yet undetermined site in a working class  neighborhood in Monroe County.

Buerkle will become the only Independent in the House of Representatives. She joins the two Senators,  Sanders of Vermont and Liebermann of Connecticut, the lone Independents on the Hill until today. When asked for a comment, Sanders said he could barely believe the news and would welcome Buerkle. Liebermann also said he looks forward to welcoming Buerkle to their group and that maybe three would be the magic number.

Where this occasion leaves the Tea Party voters in the 25th Congressional district can only be imagined. Unable to locate leaders, this reporter has given up seeking a spokesperson for reactions. 

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