Abortions make up no more than three per cent of Planned Parenthood's services. Yet you, Ann Marie, would cut ALL federal funding despite the fact that using federal funds for abortion services is already disallowed by the Hyde amendment.
The current amendment to defund Planned Parenthood is co-sponsored by several US House representatives including Buerkle. These are among the most powerful people in the nation. Who, exactly, are these people?
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) Tea Party Caucuser with Michelle Bachmann; happy to have a total government shutdown (possibly by this Friday) rather than compromise (black and white thinking is immature on any developmental scale); explained his sponsorship of the amendment with fabrications, distortions, and lies because he can't make his arguments using the truth
Jean Schmidt (R-OH) "Mean Jean" to many people in Ohio; birther; Gulen (worth Googling) charter school pusher; undergoing House ethics investigation for accepting free legal services; she is the person who famously called decorated Marine and Rep. John Murtha a coward; graphically described abortion to a group of school children as young as 6
Virginia Foxx (R-NC) made the news by calling Matthew Shepard's murder a hoax, with his mother present as witness; says Obamacare will put elders to death; also claims there are no Americans who do not have health care; purple hair
Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) another rabid pro-lifer from Missouri; Tea Party Caucuser; wrote Running God's Way, a religious guide to winning elections ("This one-stop, easy to use resource outlines the winning strategies needed to succeed on Election Day. It combines the time-tested campaign strategies and wisdom outlined in the Bible with real-life insights and practical advice acquired from Vicky Hartzler's twelve years of on-the-ground campaigning as a three-term state representative and former campaign spokesperson for the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri."); totally pro-hetero marriage; thinks if the gays have rights, then everyone will want them
Renee Ellmers (R-NC) will be blaming the Dems if the government shuts down; to her credit, "voted to fund Obamacare" and is getting lambasted for it by her local militia; Islamophobe; confused about the definitions of "terrorist" and "Muslim", thereby engendering fear mongering, hatred and racism with her campaign ads
Andy Harris (R-MD) member of Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus; endorsed by the Club for Growth; motivated to run for Congress to counter his predecessor's vote to set a timetable for drawing down troop levels in Iraq; a doctor himself, he thinks universal health coverage is wrong, wrong, wrong, yet threw a fit when government coverage for his Congressional staff didn't start on day one; has buckets of money
and our own Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) strong connections to Live Action and Susan B. Anthony List; was local Operation Rescue spokesperson and colleague of Randall Terry (who celebrated the murder of Dr. George Tiller); Palin endorsement in 2010 (this is becoming more damning every day); millionaire
Here is Right Wing Watch's [big thanks to this site; it is an invaluable source] take on the credentials of these extremists: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/ (if you move your mouse over topics in the following list, live links will become underlined.)
Pence (R-IN) is using the discredited [Live Action]videos to promote his bill that would end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, imperiling women’s health services;
Pence (R-IN) is using the discredited [Live Action]videos to promote his bill that would end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, imperiling women’s health services;
Hartzler backed bills that would compel women seeking an abortion to view their sonograms and even supported legislation that would force the state to file murder charges against women and their doctors if they performed a late-term abortion;
Harris wanted to allow pharmacists to refuse contraception to customers and challenged a moderate pro-choice Republican incumbent in 2008, and
Ellmers is an avowed opponent of legal abortion who recently justified receiving taxpayer-subsidized health care by claiming that Washington DC is too expensive to live in with a $174,000 per year salary, while pushing to defund health services for low-income women.
How does cutting any health care for women make this a better country? Who will provide these services if you cut Title X money to Planned Parenthood? Do you seriously think your predecessors who created Title X were wrong? Who do you think the government should be helping if it helps anyone at all? Corporations or people?
I ask you all, also, what have you done about jobs? You promised jobs. Where are they? What are you doing to increase expenditures where there will be a net gain of jobs?
How does withdrawing government money from communities create stronger communities? How does cutting money for the education of children create a stronger nation, competitive in the coming decades?
Ann Marie, why are you wasting taxpayer time hurting real people? Why aren't you finding ways to use your taxpayer funded power to make this a strong, healthy, productive nation?
If you truly desire to find common ground with half of your constituents up here in Central New York, you might like to look over the credentials of the people with whom you are consorting in D.C. They are not helping anything, and we want so much more from you.
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